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Kutztown University, You Rocked.

By September 25, 2015May 7th, 2019No Comments

KUDonna2Photo was taken with a purpose.  To win an iPad on a social media campaign for Kutztown University Alumni.  Didn’t figure out a way to include photo in a Linked In post…so I’m tossing it into this blog instead!

Bottom line.  It’s not about winning a device.  It’s truly about being grateful and appreciative for the opportunity to attend college.  The first in my family to do so, I wasn’t sure I could even manage it financially or academically.  But with the right “push” from some mentors, some awesome scholarship money, and a reasonable application of hard work…I graduated.  And there’s not a day that I don’t count my lucky stars to have had the experience happen at KU.

Thank you, KU.